
Educatieve en water projecten

Educational and water projects

Classes’ construction and lunch program

We believe that as Walter Elias puts it, Our greatest natural resource is in the minds of our children.
In our commitment to educate the Kenyan child, the group has also enjoyed assistance in setting up Top Excel Academy. We have committed ourselves to fund the expansion of the school by construction of more classrooms, increase the number of teachers and reduce the cost school fees. This will mean more less fortunate children will be enrolled in the school.

Besides that, we are sponsoring St. Michaels school in the slums of Kibera, Nairobi to provide pupils with lunch. The children attending this school come from the slums and often have little to eat. Providing lunch means children are able to concentrate better and don’t have to stay away from school in order to earn money on the streets. Lunch usually consists of maize, beans and rice.

Water Kiosk

This is a group of 12 active women who are located in Witeithie estate of Thika town. The group did not have any project before Global Africa Initiative began working with them. This group runs water and donkey project that was setup by Global Africa Initiative starting year 2011.

In this project, the group has established various water points set strategically at places where there is no/ insufficient water supply. They provide water to the locals at a small charge of Kes 3per 20litre Jerrycan and Kes 5 for the same jerrycan to hotels within the area. 

Donkeys are used to transport water using wagons to areas where water cannot be supplied using underground pipes and areas that are far from the water-points. This means families no longer have to walk long distances for their water supply. Besides that, families no longer need to spend a lot of time walking to the water supply point. So far the water kiosk group is able to employ 4 donkey handlers and 3 water sellers who are members of the group. Members also enjoy free water from the water points. Income from the water points goes to pay employees wages, water bills and the extra is used as savings for the group projects.

Golden Top

Golden Top is a foundation aimed at educating young women. With our help they were able to start a chicken project which contributes to the sustainability of the foundation.